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  • The Libris Team

Vaultari Launch

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

The Libris Group have launched Vaultari, the smartest way to manage archived documents online in the cloud.

Vaultari is a solution which was born from a conversation over a drink, which many great ideas are. Upon meeting with a mututal friend who runs a multi-national legal firm, the directors of Libris were asked the question about how archival documents could be stored in a secure cloud environment with hierarchical access and granular search capabilities. The challenge was on and started with checking solution such as Dropbox, Google Docs etc. While all of these solutions are great in certain scenarios they didn't have all of the necessary features needed, so the design process began. Along the way other parties became involved including a scanning company who quickly identified the benefit of such a solution for their own clients and a team began to form of developers, product managers and test users. Fast forward eighteen months later and the finished solution was created and launched to both the legal firm and scanning company as early adopters of this new technology. If you have similar needs why not get in touch and learn what Vaultari can do for you. Documents anywhere, anytime.

Archived documents are no longer in storage boxes they are accessible on-demand.

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